Sunday, April 17, 2011

OMG we are at the 6 month mark!

CRAP there's pretty much 6 months left until the big day and I still have so much to do. I'm feeling good that I finally finished the website. How late of me. I could've enjoyed this for way more time if I wasn't so lazy to finally complete it. It took one big push of working 18 hours straight to actually get it done last weekend. We FINALLY also sent out the save the dates yesterday and brought them to the post office. Honestly, that was supposed to go out in January. Shame Shame Shame on me. Horrible!

I have so much things left to do. AHHHH. I don't even know where to start really. It's time to really get organized and get focused and get things done.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wedding Website Madness Marathon

I have been sitting down working on my wedding website for 16 hours STRAIGHT.
